Wednesday 10 June 2015

Food: My Family Favourites

Delicious Tomato Pasta / Bolognese Sauce.

In my hunt for a great Italian pasta sauce that a pair of boys who don't like sauce would like, I came up with this yummy one. It's a firm favourite in our house, really easy to make, goes great with pasta, spaghetti and meatballs, or mince for bolognese, and the kids love it too.

So, you will need.......

A can of chopped tomatoes
A generous helping of red pesto.
1 diced onion.
A generous helping of tomato puree.
A little squirt of tomato sauce/ketchup.
A few chopped mushrooms.
Lots of freshly ground pepper.

Drain the oil off of the pesto and put in a small saucepan.
Heat up the saucepan, when it's hot add the onion and cook until browning.
Add all the rest of the ingredients and cook for 5 - 10 minutes stirring every couple of minutes.
Taste to check its to your liking and serve.

It's that simple, and pretty cheap to make too.
